Isa has grace like nobody I've ever photographed before. Three shoots and over 3000 images later, we have Audrey Hepburn, Jacqueline Onassis, Brigitte Bardot, Grace Kelly, Avadon's images of Twiggy, Lewis Carol's Alice and Judy Garland as Dorothy, to name a few.
Poised with grace, Isa has been blessed with the rare quality of being classically beautiful without being egocentric or self-conscious. She is bright, creative and intelligent; articulate, focused and charmed.
Together we explore the concept of lasting beauty, without the shackles of contemporary trends. She has no tatoos, wears a delicate nose ring--she is from India, after all--and can wear a pair of ripped tights with a tu tu as if it were an evening gown. Hair brushed or not, voluptuous red lips or no make-up at all, she is arresting.
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